Tuesday, 19 November 2019

JMC department, JU organized fun activities and recreated some memorable moments


Saturday became the Fun day for JMC students

JMC department, JU organized fun activities and recreated some memorable moments on Saturday.The Last Saturday was a fun day for the students of BJMC as the department organized a friendly cricket match followed by a musical session. The faculty members also participated in the fun-filled events.

The day started with a friendly cricket match the match was played between blue and red team. Students and faculties played together in the match.


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Friday, 18 October 2019

Ideation is the Lifeline of Journalism

       Dr. L.P. Pant,  shares his view on changing of media

A special lecture on “Changing Standards of News Media” was organized by the Department of Journalism and Mass Communication at JECRC University, Jaipur. State Editor of Dainik Bhaskar Dr. Laxmi Prasad Pant gave a lecture on media is changing in the present scenario.
He guided students about how the living of people has changed day-to-day due to growing media. He said that ideation is the lifeline of Journalism. If the newspaper will not change its presenting process of news, it will destroy.

He made the session an interactive one, by the powerpoint presentations on various topics. He showed some slides on how radio and calculators have evolved from generations.

He explained some demerits while covering the news as a journalist. Which can be understood by various examples like labour rooms of hospitals in Rajasthan, Sanitary Pads issue, which are mainly counted in Taboo Journalism which should be considered as a priority but are not even properly answered or discussed by the people of India. He also discussed how women are unaware of the problems caused by improper use of sanitary napkins. 

 ( Report by Abhimanyu Singh Nirban)

Thursday, 17 October 2019

BA (JMC) students written short stories in the book

  Book "Inside the Diaries" launches in JU 

A book launch event was organized by the BA (JMC) students in Media Studio on October 15, 2019. The book "Inside the Diaries" contains short stories of Abhimanyu Singh Nirban and Sanjana Pincha, both students of BA (JMC) department. The chief guests of the event were Prof. Alok Pandya, from department of Physics, JU and Dr. Abhilasha Kaushik from department of English, JU, Jaipur, Rajasthan. 

In the event students share their experience. Dr. Amit Sharma, HOD, Dept. of JMC JU, Dr. Prabhat Dixit, Mr Shailendra P. Singh Bhati, Mr Shashvat Vashishtha, Mr. Manish Arya and Mr. Pavitar Singh were present during the event. 


#BookLaunch  #JMCdept.  #JECRCUniversity  #BestUniversityinJaipur  #RajasthanBestPrivateUniversity  #StudentofJMC  #BestJournalismCourse  #BestMasscommDept.  #JU 

Tuesday, 15 October 2019

जेयू में हुई गूगल की वर्कशाॅप, पत्रकारिता एवं जनसंचार विभाग के विद्यार्थियों ने सीखे फेक कंटेंट, इमेजेस और वीडियो चेक करने के स्मार्ट तरीके

तीन गुना अधिक शक्तिशाली है सोशल मीडिया 

जेईसीआरसी यूनिवर्सिटी में १९ सितंबर को गूगल की फैक्ट-चेकिंग वर्कशाॅप हुई। गूगल ट्रेनर अपर्णा प्रवीण ने मीडिया के विद्यार्थियों को फेक न्यूज के प्रति जागरूक किया। उन्होंने बताया कि मैसेज को फाॅरवर्ड करने से पहले उसके फैक्ट को अच्छी तरह से जांच लें। इससे फेक न्यूज के फैलने पर रोक लगेगी। दो सत्रों में हुई कार्यशाला में कंटेंट, इमेजेस और वीडियो चेक करने के तकनीकी और स्मार्ट तरीके बताए। जेयू के पत्रकारिता और जनसंचार विभाग की ओर से हुई इस कार्यशाला में विद्यार्थियों ने सवाल भी पूछे। 

जेईसीआरसी के वाइस चेयरपर्सन अर्पित अग्रवाल ने बताया कि गूगल के साथ इस तरह की कार्यशाला न सिर्फ मीडिया के विद्यार्थियों के लिए जरूरी है बल्कि समाज के लिए भी बहुत महत्वपूर्ण है और जेयू इस तरह के आयोजन के लिए हमेशा ही तत्पर रहती है। कार्यशाला के दौरान प्रेसीडेंट प्रोफेसर डा. डीपी मिश्रा ने मीडिया के विद्यार्थियों के उत्साह की सराहना की और उन्हें समाज का महत्वपूर्ण अंग बताया। वहीं, पत्रकारिता और जनसंचार विभाग के अध्यक्ष डा. अमित शर्मा ने स्वागत वक्तव्य देते हुए वर्तमान समय में फेक न्यूज के प्रति सतर्कता बरतने की बात कही और बताया कि मुख्य मीडिया से तीन गुना ज्यादा जल्दी बातें सोशल मीडिया से फैलती हैं।

 पत्रकार और ट्रेनर अपर्णा प्रवीण ने कार्यशाला में मीडिया के विद्यार्थियों और प्रतिभागियों को प्रशिक्षित किया। उन्होंने क्विज के माध्यम से भी विद्यार्थियों को फेक न्यूज को पहचानने और उनके फैक्ट चेक करने के बारे में बताया। कार्यशाला के पहले सत्र में उन्होंने कंटेंट और इमेजेस चेक करने की तकनीकी तरीके बताए। वहीं, दूसरे सत्र में उन्होंने फेक वीडियो की जांच करने के बारे में जानकारी दी। इस दौरान गूगल की ओर से लिए जा रहे अन्य पहलुओं पर भी चर्चा की।
इस मौके पर रजिस्ट्रार एसएल अग्रवाल, डिप्टी रजिस्ट्रार मनीष जैन, एकेडमिक्स के डीन डा. अविरेनी, मैनेजमेंट संकाय के डीन डा. राजीव जैन भी मौजूद थे।

(अंकित कात्यायन की रिपोर्ट )

Special lecture on “Changing Paradigm of News Media” held in JECRC University

                             Media is Going to be Digitalized

 A special lecture on “Changing Paradigm of News Media” was organized by the Department of Journalism and Mass Communication on 16th August at Moot Court of JECRC University, Jaipur. Senior Deputy Editor of Business Line (The Hindu) Shishir Sinha gave  a special lecture on how media is changing in the present scenario. 

He guided students about the ethics of news as well as about the mediums of news. He made the session an interactive one, by the graphical presentations on topics. He showed the changing amount of data consumption after the internet was provided at cheaper rates in the country. He explained the merits and demerits of news which showed the changing paradigm of news media. He also discussed the sector of journalism in the business department and shared his views on the fake news spreading nowadays. He also suggested students read some books which would help them to succeed. The seminar ended up with a question and answer session which helped students to clear their doubts about the news & media. Faculty member Dr. Prabhat Dixit given vote of thanks. All faculty members Dr. Amit Sharma, Manish Arya, Brijesh Kumar Mishra and Pandit Amandeep were present in the event. More than 40 Students became part of this special lecture.

A New Chapter of Bonding Between Teachers and Students

Educational visit to Amer Palace

JECRC University, Jaipur has organised a trip to Amer Palace for the students of 1st year on 10th of August. Students of Journalism and Mass Communication, Design and Hotel management visited the historical Amer Palace of Jaipur. This was an educational visit for new student and a part of 100 days activities.

The motto behind this was to make good bonding between faculty members and students themselves. Around 93 students have visited with six faculty members. At this trip, the student got a learning experience about the monuments of the Rajasthan. They also saw the temple and many more things.

JU Celebrates Wildlife Week

JU Celebrates Wildlife Week

A photography event was organized in JECRC University, Jaipur on 10th October 2019. The topic for this event was “Animal Diversity Photography”. This event was executed by the TERRA Club which already suggests by its name that it belongs to the environment.
TERRA Club at JU deals with the beauty of nature which exposes the cuteness and kindness of living creatures such as birds and animals. Kuldeep Jain, President of the TERRA Club said that club is exclusive out of all clubs as it deals with the exposure of the real beauty of nature.

This event took place during the wildlife week and achieved great importance. In this photography event, Ms. Yashika Saini student, Microbiology Department, won the first prize. The main jury member for the event was Mr. Shailendra Pratap Bhati from the Department of Journalism and Mass Communication.
The whole event was a great exposure to the beauty of wildlife and the club achieved its success too.

( A report by S. Aishwarya) 

वक्त के साथ रहें हमेशा अप-टू-डेटः ओमप्रकाश तिवारी

वक्त के साथ रहें हमेशा अप-टू-डेटः ओमप्रकाश तिवारी

जयपुर। जब रेडियो आया तो एक बार चर्चा शुरू हुई कि अब अखबार खत्म हो जाएंगे। टीवी आया तो भी इस बात ने जोर पकड़ा की प्रिंट मीडिया का दौर समाप्त हो जाएगा और अखबार बंद हो जाएंगे। 

लेकिन ऐसा हुआ नहीं। उसका कारण रहा कि वक्त के साथ अखबार ने हमेशा खुद को अप-टू-डेट रखा। अखबार और उनके संस्थानों ने प्लेटफाॅर्म को बदलते हुए समय के साथ रहे नए माध्यमों की चुनौतियांे का सामना किया और आज भी अपने पूरे दमखम के साथ पाठकों के बीच में नए कलेवर में मौजूद हैं।  इसलिए एक पत्रकार और पत्रकारिता के विद्यार्थी को भी चाहिए कि वह खुद को भी हमेशा अप-टू-डेट रखे। 

यह बात अमर उजाला के समाचार संपादक ओमप्रकाश तिवारी ने कही। वह जेईसीआरसी यूनिवर्सिटी के पत्रकारिता एवं जनसंचार विभाग के मीडियो स्टूडियो में व्याख्यान दे रहे थे। उन्होंने विद्यार्थियों से समाचार पत्रों के भविष्य पर अपनी बेबाक राय रखी। 

इस दौरान विभागाध्यक्ष डाॅ. नरेंद्र कौशिक ने स्वागत वक्तव्य दिया और पंडित अमनदीप ने पौधा देकर उनका स्वागत किया। व्याख्यान के दौरान मुख्य वक्ता ओमप्रकाश तिवारी ने समाचार पत्रों के इतिहास से शुरू करते हुए उनके भविष्य और वर्तमान पर प्रकाश डाला और अपनी बात रखी। इसके साथ ही उन्होंने विद्यार्थियों के सवालों के जवाब दिए और उनकी जिज्ञासा को शांत किया। 

उन्होंने उत्तराखंड में 2013 में हुई भयावह प्राकृतिक त्रासदा का जिक्र किया और अपनी रिपोर्टिंग करने के अनुभव भी विद्यार्थियों से साझा किए। कार्यक्रम के आखिर में विभाग के असिस्टेंट प्रोफेसर डाॅ. अमित शर्मा ने धन्यवाद ज्ञापित किया और व्याख्यान को विद्यार्थियों के लिए बहुत उपयोगी बताया। 

 (पुलकित शर्मा की रिपोर्ट)

Monday, 7 October 2019

Student showcase their Acting Talent

 Auditions for Short Film making in JMC Department of JECRC University 

The organizers of Pink City Film Festival collaborated with the JECRC University, Jaipur to shoot a few short films. Two core member H.K. Sharma along with Mr. Syed Intikhab Ali of PCISFF bestowed his presence at JECRC University, Jaipur on Saturday 05 October. Student of Journalism and Mass Communication, JU gave the audition. They also learnt the basics of short film making. 

Along with acting, PCIFF conducted tests for Script Writing, Direction and Singing. They peomised that they will give a chance to all the students in a short movie whosoever has given auditions as they were very much impressed by watching the participation of the students. JU never fail to give the best opportunity to their students. JMC department under head Dr. Amit Sharma, always provided best opportunity to the students. 


#PCISFF #Jaipur  #BestUniversityinJaipur  #JaipurFilmFestival  #Rajasthan   #BestPrivateUniversity  #Auditions  #ShortFilmFestival  #FilmMaking  #Journalism  #BestJMCdept.  #MassCommunication #BestJournalismCourse  #FilmAudition  #Jaipur  #Rajasthan  #JECRCUniversity 

Wednesday, 2 October 2019

JMC remebers Gandhi

 "A debate on Young Generation and Gandhi" 

Department of Journalism and Mass Communication organized a debate on "Young Generation and Gandhi". The event was held on October 01, 2019. 

The aim of the debate was to give confidence to the student to speak the truth and to pay homage to Bapu before his birthday. In the event students presented their views on violence, Bharat Swachchh Abhiyan life of Mahatma Gandhi. The debate was concluded by Pavitar Singh, staff of JMC. More than 65 students took part in the event.  

Tuesday, 17 September 2019

JMC celebrates Hindi Diwas

JMC Celebrates Hindi Diwas

The dept. of Journalism and Mass Communication of JU celebrated Hindi Diwas on September 14, 2019. All Students of the dept. participated actively in the event. Sudhanshu Shukla and Poorvika Agrawal, Student of JMC, moderated the session. 

Dr. Prabhat Dixit was the coordinator of the event. The event was held in Media studio of JMC department, JECRC University, Jaipur, Rajasthan. 

She inspired the students to express themselves in Hindi. 

Dr. Amit Sharma, HOD, JMC gave vote of thanks to all the faculty and students for organizing the event. 

He Motivated students do to creations in Hindi.

Monday, 9 September 2019

It gave opportunity to students to act in TV soap opera

Zee Studio conducts audition in JMC Dept. for Soap Opera

Zee Studio, Jaipur conducted audition for soap opera in the department of Journalism and Mass Communication, JECRC University, Jaipur, Rajasthan. It gave opportunity to students to act in TV soap opera. The event was held on September 05, 2020.

The audition was held in media studio of the JMC department from 11.00 AM to 03.00 PM. Students, who were interested in the acting participated in this audition. 

The selector gave them a script and said to narratethe dialogue. The script provided to participants about half an hour before the audition. In the audition, students performed and demonstrated their talent. Students of JMC Deep, Shubham Saini, Aryan, Rohit Kumar, Simran, SanchitaMondal, Nidhi Biyani, Ayushi and PoojaBajoria participated in the event. 


#ZeeStudioAudition   #SoapoperaAuditio   #StudentofJMC    #JECRCUniversity   #BestUniversityinJaipur   #Rajasthan   #Jaipur   #BestJMCdept. 

Wednesday, 4 September 2019

Special Lecture on Cartoon Journalism

 Students of JMC learnt the Science of the Cartoon Journalism. 

Dept. of JMC of JECRC University organized the special lecture of
Abhishek Tiwari on Cartoon Journalism on September 03, 2019. 
Students of JMC learnt the science of the Cartoon Journalism. 

Mr. AbhishekTiwari, famous cartoonist told to the students about the future in cartoon journalism. During the session, he designed cartoons and presented to the students.

About 100 students of JMC participated in this session and learned 
how to make a cartoon. 

Tuesday, 30 April 2019

A learning experience for the JMC students


An Advertisement making competition held in dept. of JMC


The Department of Journalism and Mass Communication organized TV advertisement competition on 28th April, 2019. Mr. Ratan Singh Shekhawat from Rajasthan University was the chief guest and judge for the event. Team Finder won the first prize for advertisement making competition.

This was a learning experience for the students, where students of the 2nd year were divided into 9 teams. The students worked very hard each day to make their advertisement. All the advertisement films were judged by Mr. Ratan Singh Shekhawat, Dr. Narendra Kaushik, HOD and Pandit Amandeep. 

#LearningExperience  #JMC  #Journalism  #Advertisement  #Jaipur  #Rajasthan  #BestUniversityinJaipur  #RajasthanBestPrivateUniversity  #BestJournalismCourse  #BestJournalismUniversity  #BestAdvertisement  #MediaStudio  #BestCourse  

Friday, 5 April 2019

Budding Filmmakers shows their talent


Screening of short films held in the JU Media Studio



The students of Journalism and Mass Communication department made short films as their assignment. This screening took place on 3rd April 2019 in the Media Studio of JMC department.


Team Secret Star won the title of best cinematography. Mr. Pavitar Singh, In charge of this event, told that teams had to make the movies with a minimum time duration of 2 minutes and a maximum time duration of 10 minutes. The movies were of the different genres such as thriller, suspense, comedy and awareness.


The students along with the movie prepared a PPT which showed the work done by each member, the idea behind the movie, resources used by them.

Wednesday, 13 March 2019

"You are the Architect of your own destiny."

A guest lecture of Sanjeev Srivastava was organised by Department of Journalism and Mass Communication.

Sh. Sanjeev Srivastava is the former editor of BBC Hindi. He has even worked in The Times of India in early 90’s. He was an Indian speaker from 1994 to 2009.

Sanjeev Srivastava is from Jaipur and he began his career from Jaipur itself. At times when studying for IAS exams and cracking competitive papers was in trend he was not aware of what he wanted to do apart from thinking same.

In his very first interview with The Times of India, Sanjeev Srivastava was rejected but he worked in same office in night shifts when newspapers were sent out to locals. He never lost hope and always believed in destiny. Slowly and gradually he became a journalist in The Times of India after lot of hard work .

He interacted with the students and told them about the ethics of a journalist, how self believe can change the mind set and encourage you for doing the work. According to him journalism is a profession where you can learn the most and in this profession an individual enjoys the work.

                                                                                              (Report By Manisha Chandwani)

Alfaaz Apne Apne

Budding Journalist of JU launched their Book

JAIPUR:  Department of Journalism and Mass Communication of JECRC University organised a book launch program On 18th January . The  students of BA (JMC) wrote a book on poetries that includes six different writers which are Ajay Kasana ,Sumit Sharma, Akash Tiwari, Bhavika Joshi, Pooja Jangid and Abhishek vyas. Book has been published through Envy Post under the guidance of Pandit Aman Deep. All the poetries were collected by Akash Tiwari and the book was designed by Stuti Bafna .They worked very hard  to publish this  book. The program took place in Moot Court of The JECRC University, Jaipur. All the students and teachers of Journalism and Mass Communication Department. The guest of honor was Dr.Bhavya Soni who is a young poet and Professor in Rajasthan University. The program was hosted by Lakshit Pareek and Nilesh Bansal. In the beginning  writers presented their poetries and sher. The guest of honor Dr.Bhavya Soni came one the stage to recite his poetries. He also explained the basic grammar of slam poetry gazals. His way of orientation tempted students. Shivam Pathak asked few questions to the writers. At the end of the event the book was launched by Dr. Bhavya Soni. At last Dr. Narendra Kaushik gave the vote of thanks and praised the efforts of the students. Thus, the book launched successfully.                                                                                                      (Report By Ajay Kasana)