Thursday 10 February 2022

Semi – Social

The semi in the title has been reflectively used to emphasize the status and purpose of social. People today stick to social life so much that their LIFE revolves around it.

Free and Accessible internet facilities, knowledge of different things and most of all an overpowering urge to be the part of the social community that surrounds us has made all the difference. We as the part of a generation that’s much exposed to situations and circumstances tend to rely on this social community that we find around us for comfort and love.

This process in itself is problematic for the fact that we surrender ourselves to this community and seek the validation for our genuine self which is much more than what it is perceived as in this social space. Many a times we end up with good people and more often with those who become the cause of succeeding social anxiety. Ironically enough, to overcome the social anxiety we place our hopes on socializing.

The life that we are living is full of people and of course technology which makes this social community a reality in the first place. But there’s something about this whole idea of socializing which makes it a questionable concept. Why so?

This social community for the very first thing that it does is, that it provides us with people who surprisingly are extremely supportive and understanding of everything that we share. Life looks easier and fulfilling when we have people who listen to us irrespective of the time on the clock. This indulges us evermore in this vicious dependence cycle and creates a distance in our relatively un Social, physical life that exists outside the electronic devices. Interestingly, we create this distance for ourselves as we find acceptance, independence and satisfactory embracing of our personality which we find dwindling in the physical world.

Secondly, the wholesomeness of this community is subject to question because it conceals from you the real deal and presents to us a Social Image. Mostly the people we socialize with are the ones who are known to us but we sometimes fail to notice the difference in the personality and the way they react to stuff. And for those who are unknown to us in the real world, we are aware of only their social image that they maintain specifically for the socializing purpose. The real self of these people may be or may not be the same as we experience during the process of sharing and receiving. As for a matter of fact, Social Images make you survive in the social community as they are according to the need of that society.

Last but certainly the most important argument being that like any society or community that we are a part of this Social Community too has its own dictates, rules and gives us a mould to shape our person accordingly. An interesting fact here is that we choose this social community over the physical ones and surrender to all its dictionary (meanings and explanations), mandates and colors willingly. And this is done just with the sole purpose of criticising the existing community for all its flaws (which are certainly more than the good) and forgetting to appreciate the refinements of it because it does not feel adequate for the present times. This willing surrender to the social community deeply affects and many a times regulates our relationships. It makes us an eternal captive of the web of social society.

The Social Dilemma that we experience makes us evermore dependent upon the Semi – Social Community. A community which is certainly not wholesome and completely comforting as it too gives us reasons to be sad. A very common example being, the FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) in anything,anytime,anywhere. The challenge here is nothing but a nuanced perception that differs for everyone. We just need to make our peace with the fact that, although socializing is fulfilling and satisfying but it is certainly not something that we can totally depend upon for our Happiness and Comfort.

Bhoomika Kapoor

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