Talk Journalism
(A Report By Aditi Rathi)
A profession that discuss everything but seldom talks about
itself, a profession in which a person questions everyone needs to be discussed
and talk about. The profession is journalism. To talk about journalism and
media a festival called Talk Journalism is organised every year in Jaipur by
Avinash Kalla of Vox Media Foundation. In this 3 days event journalists like
Barkha Dutt, Christina Lamb, Rajdeep Sardesai, Sushant Singh, Arun Shourey,
Kalpesh Yagnik and many more are invited to talk about journalism. It is a
platform fir the new media students and emerging journalists to question their
role models. The event was held in the hotel Fairmont and the sponsors were
Google, Twitter and Zee Rajasthan.
On the very first day many students from different universities
came to attend the talk. More than 25 journalists came for their session
including the CEO of Zee Rajasthan Mr. Jahdish Chandra. JECRC students of BA
(JMC) also attended the three days function. The entry was a traditional one with
drums. The first day session included Arun Shourey, Jagdish Chandra,
Aayaz Memon with whom meeting was very difficult but some how a few students
managed to take their interview. The active participation of all the
students impressed most of the speakers. The event taught all the students how
to question people who are of the same profession which you want to pursue,
some were their role models. Photography plays a very important role in any
event and a lot of students were indulged in photography. Some students
performance was commendable that their clips were even telecasted on the
channel Zee Rajasthan. The day ended with the session of a great youtuber
Sumeet Vyas.
The second day started with the session of Barkha Dutt and
Christina Lamb. A long session full of information ended and a few students
were able to talk to them. Inspiring speech about digital media by Mr. Rishi
Darda inspired a lot of new comers on web. A lot of workshops on YouTube also
helped students to build up their own channel on YouTube. Apart from attending
sessions we all had a visit to hotel which was purely an example of historic
beauty of Jaipur and Rajasthan. The day ended with interesting sessions of Mr.
Kalpesh Yagnik, Rajdeep Sardesai etc.
The last day was full of sessions but the number of students
decreased. Sessions on fake news, advertisement, photo journalism, political
policies, investment in media etc were informational. Listening to the speakers
and counter questions let us think in all aspects. One of the most memorable
trip for all the students. This event gave all of us lifetime experience and
confidence to present ourselves to the world.
Such events helps students to let them present themselves to the
world. The success of this event was possible only because of the
volunteers who were working there. I hope in the upcoming years Talk
Journalism becomes the best journalism programme.
Sharma | Jaipur
Opportunities are best to take when they come to Your door and
that opportunity got to students of JECRC UNIVERSITY at the most Biggest and
Exciting event of Jaipur "THE TALK JOURNALISM . The Students got a
chance to listen the great Army officer if his times and now a good Journalist
and they also interviewed. MR. SUSHANT SINGH. Mr sushant singh is the Associate
editor In " THE INDIAN EXPRESS '' He has earlier served with Indian
Army including several stints Jammu and kashmir and Peacekeeper in United
Nation's. I
very much enjoyed my dialogue with this intelligent, understated and courteous
gentleman- – his attitude was genuinely winning and engaging.
Transcript of interview question:
REPORTER: It has been claimed that military is influencing
big institution of journalism. This is how much relevant ?
Mr singh: see military us not influencing the Journalist, it
depends that how the Journalist and how the way Journalist are and how
Journalism us going?
How much they can resist and how much they can push ?
It is not necessary that whatever the military want to say
and puts on the Journalist should use that!
See not only military want to influence the Journalist
See politician also want to influence Journalist... Intelligence
agencies also want to influence Journalist.. Poltical parties want to influence
Journalist but it's on the Journalist that t
How they take that and respond to it and how do they
So my next question was that what you have to say on India's
intervention in Sir lanka in 1987 when IPKF went to end fighting?
Mr singh: "see the intervention was made to the Good
reasons because india didn't want that time to American Government to come to
India that time or any other foreign power to come into our neighborhood
so the intervention was made to the fir reasons but there were certain
political and strategical miscalculation which led to the LTTE turning against
India and
Let to the kind of cuose happened and the government and india
changed and also rajiv gandhi lost elections and then the IPKF had to come
back. ''
REPORTER : What were your thoughts or what brings you to
your book mission overseas or os this something related to your own life ?
Mr Singh : See. Mission overseas is something that is about
boarder stories.
Military history is something that has been given short drift in
India for decades. Mission overseas works well on three mission of Indian Army
on foreign soil . Like many indian won't be aware of all three missions :
operation cactus 1988 , operation Pawan the disastrous intervention by IPKF on
srilanka , operation Khukri
The initial plan was to focus on five to six operation of india
on foreign soil but then I realized to focus only on these three operations
On count alone mission overseas is must read book for both the
casual readers and military history buff .
Overall I think the interview was very successful I learnt more
about military man's stories and militaries history
I hope my research enlighten my classmates and gives them more
information about Military and Journalism
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