Wednesday, 21 March 2018

Indians have same cultural genetics with different faces

An interactive session with President Dr. D.P. Mishra on ‘National Integration’

Jaipur. School of Journalism and Mass Communication organized a session with President of JECRC University Dr. D.P. Mishra on Tuesday. He acknowledged the students by his golden words on ‘National Integration’.He said, the cultural genetics of Indian is same but every face  differs from each other. According to him, National Integration is the awareness of a common identity among the citizens of the country. It means that though we belong to different castes, religion, regions and we
speak diff erent languages but we recognize the fact that we are allone as we have diversity in unity
not unity in diversity in India. He also emphasized on Rajasthan Culture and Brij Bhasa. He concludes that thinking of Indians are not diff erent from region to region. People can be from
different states but their integrity towards the Nation is same and all languages are integrated. He
also concludes that in a conversation people should be sympathetic to each other. They should
never oppose and confront the other person while in being in conversation.

Dean School of Science Dr. R.N. Prasad acknowledged students about the prospect of the newspaper for the youth. He said that there should be more positive and scientific news in the newspaper of any
state or city. Dean School of Law Dr. Mahesh Koolwal was also present during the session.
In the end, a vote of thanks was given by faculty member Shailendra Pratap Singh. He promised
the delegates to work harder and ended the session with the quote “woods are dark and deep, we
have promised to keep and miles to go before we sleep and miles to go before we sleep”.

( Reported By Aayushi Goyal )

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