Wednesday 6 January 2021

Who am I, What do I do ?

A witch sewing darkness in light of the moon,
I know spells in ancient languages,
I brew potions, walk through abandoned passages,
I bathe in starlight, wearing the glow of Moon,
For I sleep without dreams when it's noon,
I'm Eve in the Satan's garden,
I wait with the nightingales, for my pardon,
I sing with them,
For the Roses that lay dead.
I cry softly besides the Wolf and the rabbits laying on my lap,
I thirst for blood as it craves bare flesh,
It's neck on my shoulder, on it's back rests my face,
I try not to hurt them as it tries to do the same.
We have dark desires, buried deep inside our graves,
In the moonlight together, we make the darkness fade,
Neither Pink nor Purple nor Red,
Our love is of the most beautiful shade.
No promise of kindness we make, still no birds fly,
Beauty of the darkness, in a starry night sky,
Sinners we are, but not in pretentious dress,
We wear no veil of kindness,
Laying naked in our darkness,
All our sins scattered into the wind,
For the whole world knows, whole world has committed sins,
Our beloved's sins we un-see,
In love trying be a sinner and try not to be.

-Akshita Singh


  1. great 👏🏿👏🏿

  2. 👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻good

  3. Raise as loud... The world can feel.

  4. Your words are impressive, akshita. Loved it.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. That's a fine way to introduce yourself.......
