Tuesday, 31 August 2021


मन की लहरों पर सवार निर्बाध बहती हुई एक ऐसी अनुभूति जो अभिव्यक्त नहीं की जा सकती है। हर पल हर लम्हा इसका रंग बदलता रहता है। ये शब्द या स्वर की ध्वनि से परे, एक निःशब्द सारे ब्रह्माण्ड को गुंजायमान करता हुआ सा प्रतीत होता है। 

ये एक ऐसी वीणा है, जिसके तारों की झंकार मन के हर भाव को उद्वेलित कर देती है। 

ये कभी जीने का संबल होता है तो कभी- कभी ऐसा आघात पहुंचाता है कि सारा संसार छिन्न-भिन्न हो जाता है।

अच्छे पलों का एहसास मन को हमेशा एक स्फूर्ति प्रदान करता है। एक संबल देता है। वहीं द्वेष का एहसास सारे अस्तित्व को ही नष्ट कर देता है। कभी कभी ये एहसास हमें निरंकुश भी बना देता है और हम बेलगाम घोड़ों के रथ पर सवार, मद में चूर सब कुछ नष्ट करते चले जाते हैं।

वहीं मन के आवेग पर काबू पाने वाले का एहसास इतना सधा हुआ होता है कि क्रोध-द्वेष-ईर्ष्या कुछ भी उस पर हावी नहीं हो पाते हैं। 

इसलिए अच्छे एहसास को महसूस करिए। खुश रहिए और मस्त रहिए। यही जीवन है।
डॉ. रुचि सेठ
(एसोसिएट प्रोफेसर, डिपार्टमेंट ऑफ बायोटेक्नोलॉजी, JECRC यूनिवर्सिटी)

Saturday, 14 August 2021

Independence for Change.

Things changed, rules made, it started since then,
the country turned unsafe for all countrymen.

Where our policy failed?
In lieu of uniting, we are dividing ourselves !

We don't follow laws, we don't worry for each other,
We rather blame one another instead of standing together.

Question yourself,
Are we really independent?

The harsh reality will hit you harder,
Because we don't have the feeling to harbour.

Reality comes from issues that are left out in cold,
But the people, truth, and even statement of justice are sold.

Each one of us is beating around the bush,
Rather than bringing a change, everyone is shush.

Question yourself again,
Can we bring a change? Or are we willing to change?

The answer will be straight, bring a change in yourself,
Wake up and work on, to be in everyone’s bookshelf;
Let's join our hands and clear our vision,
Let's match the rhythm of our steps,
And celebrate the Independence with a change.

Happy Independence Day to Everyone!!

-Muskan Kumawat

Tuesday, 10 August 2021

जीवन क्या है?

भारत देश की जीवन शैली अन्य देशों से अलग है।  यहां के लोग अधिक भावनात्मक होते हैं। इतना ही नहीं, भारत ने ही विश्व को जीना सिखाया है। विदेश के लोग जहां भ्रम में पड़कर सिर्फ खाना-पीना, सोना ही जीवन समझते थे, तब भारत के लोगों ने उन्हें बताया कि त्याग ही जीवन का आधार है। भारतीय लोगों का मानना है कि त्याग से ही खुशी मिलती है, त्याग से ही जीवन में बड़े पद, ऊंची उपलब्धियां हासिल होती हैं। इतिहास उठा कर देखा जाए तो भारत में अनेक महान लोग थे जिन्हें हम आज भी याद करते हैं क्योंकि उनके त्याग ने उनका नाम अमर कर दिया।

जीवन को हमारे ऋषियों ने चार आश्रमों में बांटा है, ऋषि कहते हैं कि 'जीवेम शरदः शतम्' अर्थात 'मनुष्य  100 वर्ष तक जिए।' पहला आश्रम ब्रम्हचर्य का आश्रम है अर्थात इंद्रियों को संयम में रखकर विद्या ग्रहण करने का आश्रम। दूसरा आश्रम है,  गृहस्थ आश्रम - जिसमें हम विवाह कर के जीवन के एक दूसरे अंग को समझते हैं और अपने बच्चों को भी अध्यात्म और धर्म की महिमा सिखाते और बताते हैं।  फिर आता है, वानप्रस्थ आश्रम, यह हमें बताता है कि अब थोड़ा सांसारिक दृष्टि से हट के आध्यात्मिक दृष्टि की ओर कदम बढ़ाया जाए। अंत में आता है सन्यास आश्रम, जो बताता है कि संसार को त्याग कर अर्थात अपनी जगह पर रह कर ही उन सब से अलग रहना, यह समझना थोड़ा मुश्किल है कि कोई व्यक्ति संसार में रहकर भी संसार से अलग कैसे हो सकता है।  यह अद्भुत विद्या भारत में मिलती है और जिसके कारण यह भारत के लोगों को अलग बनाती है।

आज के नव युग में हम सभी बाहरी दुनिया से इतने जुड़ गए हैं कि हम अपनी ही खोज नहीं करते। हमारा नाम हमारे माता-पिता ने रख दिया, लेकिन क्या वास्तव में आप वह नाम हैं, कौन यह जानने का प्रयास करता है? यही कारण है कि हम छोटी सी परेशानी आने पर घबरा जाते हैं। हमारे अंदर अनंत शक्तियां हैं। 

आज मनुष्य चंद्रमा पर पहुंच गया है जो उसने कभी सोचा नहीं था। आप देख सकते हैं कि विचारों में कितनी शक्ति है। एक विचार कितना बदलाव ला सकता है। इस जीवन को जानने के लिए हमें जानना पड़ेगा कि हम क्या हैं? क्या मनुष्य का उद्देश्य केवल खाना पीना और सोना ही हो सकता है? क्या पशुओं और मनुष्यों में कोई फर्क नहीं है? मनुष्य सिर्फ और सिर्फ खाने पीने और सोने के लिए इस धरती पर आया है? 

नहीं, मनुष्य का उद्देश्य कुछ बड़ा है। अपनी  खोज हम सबको करनी है, यही जीवन है, जीवन एक खोज है। 
मनुष्य का उद्देश्य होना चाहिए कि वह त्याग करे, लालच का, बुरी आदतों का, नशे का, झूठ का, ग़लत काम का, भोग का, स्वार्थ का बुरी इच्छाओं का और कोशिश करें कि वह विषम से विषम परिस्थिति में भी विनम्र रहे और विवेक शून्य ना हो। वह पुरुषार्थ करके अपने मन को स्थिर करके आगे बढ़े और साथ ही साथ समाज को भी नीति की राह पर ले चले. ऐसे वह अपने साथ-साथ समाज का भी उत्थान करेगा।
'महाजनो येन गतः स पन्थाः' अर्थात उस राह पर चले जिस पर महान पुरुष चले हैं
- दिवाकर देव

Tuesday, 3 August 2021

A Love That Heals


Rahul and Shree have been married for the last 10 years, and they’ve known each other for 13 years. Today is their anniversary they both love each other very much. They were having dinner, and Rahul got up to pay the bill, but he forgets his phone on the table. A notification appeared on his phone, and Shree picked it up. It was a notification from Google Photos which read, ‘Your favorite photo from 15 years ago.’ Shree was shocked to find her photo in it. In the photo, Shree was on a train and in one of them was written, ‘The first day in Jaipur, and found my love already.’ She was confused, why she can’t remember anything and starts questioning, if is she really knows her partner well.


It was her first day in Jaipur. She had never left her home alone there was always someone from their house to see her. But this time, she was alone. Due to the pandemic and short-term notice, she had to leave as early as possible. She took the risk of going alone, and she was happy about her decision. It was her college hostel where she was to spent her future 3 years. She was ready for the best moments of her life but not for the worst ones.


Whereas, he already lost everybody in his life. Money is the only thing left in his life, everything else was gone. He made a promise to himself that whomsoever he happens to meet first, will be his partner for all his life, not caring about whatever comes. He was ready for the worst but not for the best. He meets her on the train to Jaipur and took some photos of her without her knowledge. He followed her and came to know about the college. He joined the same college as hers.


He loves her and has never lied to her, but now it felt as if he should not tell her the truth this time. If he would have told her the truth, she would have been devastated. He said, “It is not clicked by me. I found it in Riya’s phone, and I just saved it, thinking it will be useful someday." She believed him. They both hugged each other and felt the spark they felt the very first time.


In the beginning, Rahul wanted to destroy Shree’s life, whom he blamed foreign for Riya’s loss. Riya was an orphan so, there was no case filed, and she only had the two of them. Rahul wanted revenge for his lost lover. Is there any bigger punishment for someone than to live their whole life in a lie? Rahul did not know that he was healed with the time, and he had fallen in love with Shree.


-Suraj Nair.











Monday, 26 July 2021

Is our respect real ?

India to honor martyrs, 559 lamps lit in Ladakh. Kargil Vijay Diwas is observed in honor of the war heroes. The operation, dubbed 'Operation Vijay', conducted on July 26, 1999, saw the Indian Army take back control of key posts in Ladakh after ousting Pakistani troops from the area.
India celebrates Kargil Vijay Diwas on 26 when after more than 60 days of armed conflict at the height of Kargil in Ladakh India won over Pakistan. In what was perhaps the most recent example of high-altitude warfare in mountainous terrain, the Indian Army outnumbered the neighboring country's military forces and regained control of high posts in the region.

लेकिन मुझे बहुत ही बुरा लगा जब मैंने अपने आस-पास लोगों को हमारे वीर जवानों को सम्मान देते हुए तो दूर आज उन्हें याद भी करते नहीं देखा। आज की पीढ़ी राष्ट्रीय ध्वज के सामने सर नहीं झुकाती, राष्ट्रीय गान को सम्मान नहीं देती, तिरंगे को देख कर फर्क नहीं करती और अपने संस्कार भूलती जा रही है। यह बहुत ही शर्मनाक बात है कि हम आज उन वीरों को श्रद्धांजलि नहीं दे रहे हैं, उन्हें नमन नहीं कर रहे हैं।  

आज मैं देखती हूं तो समझ आता है कि ज्यादातर नौजवान देश की सेना में सिर्फ इसलिए भर्ती होते हैं क्योंकि उन्हें कॅरियर बनाना है। बहुत कम ऐसे बच्चे हैं जो देश की सेवा करने के लिए सेना में आते हैं।

मेरे दादाजी ने मुझे हमेशा देशभक्ति से जुड़ी कहानियां सुनाई। वीर जवानों के बलिदान के बारे में बताया और आज भी जब वो कहानियां या आज के दौर में जवानों के बलिदान की बात आती है तो रोंगटे खड़े हो जाते हैं। दादी ने सिखाया कि कभी अपने देश की संस्कृति से दूर मत होना और दादाजी ने सिखाया कि खुद की हर ख्वाहिश से पहले देश को रखना।
अब जहां देखती हूं, वहां सभी गैजेट्स में लगे रहते हैं। मैं खुद भी उनमें से एक हूं लेकिन अपने तिरंगे, दूसरों की कुर्बानियों की इज्जत करना मुझे आता है। बड़ो ने जो सिखाया उन सब बातों से मैं अपनी संस्कृति से भी जुड़ी हुई हूं।
किसी ने क्या खूब कहा है की: उस माँ को खबर ही नहीं थी की जिस बेटे का वो इंतज़ार कर रही है वो अपना सामान लेकर नहीं बल्कि वो तो तिरंगे में लिपट कर आएगा , उस माँ ने अपने बेटे के कफ़न को खोलने से पहले ही अपने दूसरे जवान बेटे का सामान बांध दिया और बोल पड़ी की जब तक इस माँ के बेटे ज़िंदा हैं तब तक भारत माता पर कोई आंच नहीं आ सकती।  
I wonder if the sacrifice of our patriots who lost their lives for our better future was so easy to forget that now, we most of the times are ashamed of our mother land, that we don't stand up while our National Anthem is sung or we don't care to know about our culture? I wonder and wonder and hope that someday I won't wonder this ever again and will stand united in every moment that India owns with my countrymen with same respect, dignity and pride for my nation.
“I won't die in an accident or die of any disease. I will go down in glory. Kargil Vijay Diwas, a day to remember the gallant efforts and sacrifices of the Indian Armed Forces. Freedom in mind.”- Indian Soldiers 
Let us all pray for all those who sacrificed their lives for ‘Bharat Maa’ , and their families who handled the situation with calmness and peacefully and salute to those mothers who are always ready to sacrifice their happiness just for sake of other families' peace and happiness. 
-Bhavika Nandwana

Monday, 19 July 2021

नन्हे कदम

नन्हें कदम
बड़ी सी आंखें,
और उनमें ढेर सारा 

छोटे-छोटे पैर,
और उनमे तेज़ 

चलो भई चलो
 सुनते ही,
 उठ के घूमने को हमेशा
चेहरे पर मासूमियत,
और शरारत भरे काम। 

जिगर का टुकड़ा,
और सबकी मुस्कुराहट का राज। 

नन्हीं सी
 हाथों में थामे आइ,
 कुछ महीनो में ही बन गई घर की जान।  
कुछ सालों में चली जाओगी तुम दूर
घर ये तुम्हारा हो जाएगा सूना
मन भी होगा उदास 
फिर रह जाएंगी तुम्हारी याद।

नए लोगों में भूल न जाना
जिन्होंने हमेशा तुम्हारा कहा माना।
तुम नहीं सिर्फ हमारी जान
बेटी तुमसे ही ही हमारी आन बान और शान।

- रिधिका दयाल दास 


Monday, 5 July 2021

Unceasing Journey.

Faithful friends are hard to come by,
To say them are the hardest goodbye;
Journey with them is without an end,
While confronting feelings, one can't pretend.

Judging is never a thing they do,
Standing beside your shoulder when you look to,
May in distance yet never apart from heart,
Fighting behind you for your every start.

For me, the person is ace in the hole,
That creature is the best part of my soul,
The greatest gift of life is true friendship,
If you have one, can face all life’s hardship.
This person will stick and stand by you,
Consistently encouraging you,
Such a friendship is rare,
You are lucky and do need to care.
-Muskan Kumawat

Tuesday, 29 June 2021

इंसानियत से परे।

आज के अतिथि ...

जी, आप कौन?
अरे मुझे नहीं जानते?
मैं ही तो हूं,जिसके वजह से आप हैं,
मैं इंसानियत-मानवता,
आप शायद भूल गए
हम साथ ही रहा करते थे।।

जी, माफ कीजिएगा
आप जब साथ होते हैं 
तो बड़ी परेशानी होती है,
मेहरबानी करके आगे जाइए।।

जी, आप कौन? 
अरे मुझे नहीं जानते?
मैं ही तो हूं,जिसकी खोज सभी को है,
पर हर किसी को मिलता नहीं,
मैं सत्य हूं।।
अरे आप डर क्यूं रहे हैं?
मेरा साथ तो आपको भय से मुक्ति देगा
और आंतरिक सुख देगा 

जी, माफ कीजिएगा
लेकिन आपका साथ मुझे बर्बाद कर देगा,
समाप्त कर देगा।
ईश्वर के लिए रहम करें
मेहरबानी करके आगे जाइए।।

मुझे तो आप जानते ही होंगे!
मैं वो हूं, जो आपको 
धन, दौलत, ऐश्वर्य... 
जो चाहो वो दूंगा, और वो भी बिना परिश्रम के,
बिना कर्म के, बिना सत्य के, बिना धर्म के,

आप असत्य हैं?
निश्चित ही आप असत्य हैं।
आइए भीतर आइए
आपकी ही तो प्रतीक्षा थी,
आपका साथ ही तो सुकून देता है।।

किन्तु आपके साथ लोभ, ईर्ष्या और अधर्म नहीं आए?
चिंता मत करो,

अब जब मैं आ गया हूं, तो वो भी आ जाएंगे।।

- पुलकित शर्मा

Monday, 21 June 2021

Joker not a Joke !

Irony in the Reality is that,
Joker makes you laugh, though!
But In Actual Game (life) it is always,
Put aside in the packed box!(is it so?)
We Being a JOKER for someone somewhere,
End up lacking to be an ACE Everywhere!
So is it good to be a joker?
With an ACE you can WIN the game,
With a JOKER you can CHANGE the game!
(Go search about joker’s Role in poker!)
Be a Joker, But never be a Joke!
Be in Friendship, But never demand in it!
𝐈𝐟 𝐋𝐢𝐟𝐞 𝐢𝐬 𝐚 𝐉𝐨𝐤𝐞,
𝐁𝐞 𝐚 𝐉𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐫 𝐢𝐧 𝐈𝐭!
𝐁𝐮𝐭, 𝐀 𝐉𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐫 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐚𝐧 𝐀𝐜𝐞,
𝐋𝐢𝐟𝐞 𝐢𝐬 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐢𝐧 𝐧𝐞𝐞𝐝 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡!
𝐏𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐫 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐉𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐫,
𝐋𝐢𝐟𝐞 𝐢𝐬 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐆𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡!
(To be continued…)
-Saloni Upadhyay 

Sunday, 13 June 2021

मुश्किलें बहुत हैं।

बहुत मुश्किल है,
उन खयालों को कैद करना जो कभी जाने पहचाने थे, 
उन गलियों का सूनापन अब मन को खाता है,
जो हमारी बातों, ठहाकों, शोरगुल को खुद में समेटे हैं,
जहां लोग चबूतरे पर साथ होते थे,
जहां बच्चे तरह-तरह के खेल खेला करते थे, 
वह लहरों के कारण घर में आज सहमे-सहमे है,
दिमाग पर ज़ोर डालना मुश्किल है 
उसको शून्य कर देना बहुत मुश्किल है।
बहुत मुश्किल है, ये मान लेना कि
दो साल आंख झपकते ही निकल गए।
कितने मौके थे, जो सफ़लता में बदले जा सकते थे।
सफ़लता सुख देती है,
असफ़लता सीख देती है,
लेकिन बिना किसी विकल्प के हम कैसे सोच लें की हम सफल हो सकते थे या असफल हो गए हैं?
हम दो साल किनारे पर खड़े रहे,
क्योंकि नदी पार करने को न कोई नाव थी न कोई ब्रिज।
ऐसा लगता है सब होकर भी कुछ नहीं हुआ।
हजारों घर उजड़ गए, 
मां ने बच्चे को खोया, 
बच्चे ने मां को खोया, 
पिता को खोने के बाद घर पर छत न रही,
रह गया तो अपनों को आखरी बार देख पाने का ग़म, 
दिल में बहुत गहराई है,
किसी को भूल जाना मुश्किल है 
उनकी यादों के साथ जीना 
बहुत मुश्किल है।

बहुत मुश्किल है आगे सुखद जीवन की कल्पना करना,
भूतकाल में हुई घटनाएं,
वर्तमान को खोखला कर रही हैं,
भविष्य में सूनापन है
चारों तरफ कोहरा छाया है 
इस कोहरे में जीवन रूपी 
गाड़ी को चलाना मुश्किल है 
जीवन का स्थाई रूप से आगे बढ़ाना
बहुत मुश्किल है।

-यश शक्तावत

Tuesday, 8 June 2021

Not coming back.

Isn't life unfair?
Seeing people around whooping with laughs and you feel like you're the only one struggling. Something within you says you cannot make it the other day, because you are the one surrounded with problems. There you hold grudges against people who used to be your loved ones.
It's right to feel this way. It's totally okay.
Umair Haque says, "Suffering Isn’t Optional. Suffering is Inevitable."
The very first step for any suffering is acceptance. Accept that you are stuck at something and the fact that you are no longer part of someone's life. People cannot always love you the way you love them. That breakup, the death of your beloved ones, the moments that are gone and the acceptance of these is the thing we find hard to do. Its hard because how can you believe something you believed your whole life in? That person, that moment, that love that is no longer there!
We find it so hard to deal with whatever we've been through, we suffer through a balloon of emotions. And to let it all out, cry and cry out your heart, feel it within your veins and every cell of your body and soon you'll become numb to feel the things, the losses and the pains.
You cannot escape it as much as it hurts, so why not let it be? Go into it, live with the broken deformed parts. Maybe someday you won't be waiting for someone to come back and lift you high.
Perhaps eventually you'll be jovial. Perhaps you'll be enough for yourself and you will be helping others getting out of their pain.
It's time to heal
time to grieve
time to let go,
time to help yourself.
- Abhimanyu Nirban

Monday, 31 May 2021

Toxic Positivity.

Being pessimistic and being in denial are two different things and states of our minds.

As the monstrous second wave of the Corona Virus continues to ravage India and people keep running to find hospital beds, oxygen, medical drugs and even medical assistance – all of this combined with the visible flaws in our healthcare has triggered a mental health crisis; the rapidly rising number of calls for assistance at mental health hotlines are a proof of it.
You know when you share with someone how you are not feeling good and that some sort of uncertainty is surrounding you but you are immediately shut off by being asked to ‘think positive’ and the classic ‘it is all in your head’ response? Suppression of emotions that arise as a reaction to any happening or situation to promote ‘positive’ emotions is called toxic positivity. It Is Real And Rising Amid Covid.

Amid times like these when a majority of us are bereaved, it is nothing foreign to see people dealing with ‘negative’ emotions or thoughts. Studies reveal that cases of mental health which are most likely to go unnoticed and unaddressed are the issues faced by the general public who is locked inside their houses now. Emotions like ‘anxiety’ and ‘stress’ are growing common every passing day; what remains uncommon is – knowledge about the said emotions.
The relation of India with Mental Health isn’t foreign to you readers – although changed slightly over the past years, there still lies the old stigma which probably has grown grey hair by now. With the old stigma, comes toxic positivity and it is real – very real.
Studies have proven that suppressing emotions from releasing to have a ‘positive state of mind’ does more harm than anything and affects in the long run.
“To move through pain, you need to feel it – and positive thinking can become toxic if you’re pressuring someone to always see the bright side,” tells John-Paul Davies, psychotherapist, counselor and author of personal development book Finding A Balanced Connection.
As much as holding onto the thin shreds of positivity in times as crucial as now is important, releasing the negative pent-up emotions or feelings is also of equal importance. While we completely cannot and should not be ignoring the good things that we have and cherish them in times like these where everything is uncertain, we all should also be mindful enough to not invalidate what someone else might be feeling with just a shrug of words Oh! We gotta stay positive.
Dr. Paul McLaren, a general adult psychiatrist at Priory Hospital Hayes Grove, says: “While statements like, ‘Yes but look at all the good things you have’, have their place, they can be harmful to someone who is dealing with feelings that are appropriate and understandable – for example during periods of grief, or because they are suffering a depressive illness and have very little choice about how they feel.”
Every load is lighter when shared; telling the grieving that they are strong is – I can’t emphasize enough – wrong on many levels. What they are feeling and going through can’t be healed or soothed by words like ‘strong’ or ‘positive’. What they are feeling is anything but strong – they are vulnerable and it is really important to embrace their vulnerability and let it heal on its own, by the ointments of time. Lend them a shoulder to lean on, an ear that is willing to listen to their sorrows, and a hand that soothes their back while they release their pain in form of tears or loud wails.
It’s high time we stop turning a blind eye to the difference between denial and toxic positivity. Everything around us is drenched in the rains of uncertainty and people are weak and vulnerable. We are witnessing a time where our lack of vocabulary around the words like ‘loss’, ‘death’ and ‘grief’ is clearer than ever and if anything that we need the most right now is, emotional understanding and support. Talk, Understand, and reflect because your words can blow like a sharp blade and make the bleeding wounds worse and harder to deal with or work like the most soothing and comforting element ever.
-Sanjana Pincha

Sunday, 23 May 2021

Lost & Found In Death.

It was dawn. I was sitting on swing, just swaying my legs into the sand, attempting to mush it. The park was just a place that caught my eye while driving around.The first day I came here was when I lost my best friend. Why? Well, I haven’t been able to figure that out. I took a nice scan of the area and started walking around. I couldn’t bear the tightness of the band, and as I attempt to take it off it pulled more of my hair, but once I was able to, it was as if I felt light. The very band was holding all my emotions, the emotions which I kept inside of me from the minute I got the news, to the minute his body was uplift in front of my naked eye. The minute my hair were free, my feelings escaped. Tears were flooding over my cheeks before I could realise that I was crying, that I was sad. How strong could I possibly act? It was obvious, he and I were too close to forget in a day. I wasn’t his best friend and he wasn’t mine, but isn’t it about a bond so secure, so strong, so loving that makes every relationship unique in its own manner? I missed him. 
In a situation like this, he would’ve been my first call. What does one do when the person you’re feeling down because of, is unreachable? Not for a minute, nor for an hour but forever! How selfish am I to think of my sadness, what might his parents, his family, his friends be going through? I saw his mother there, running in the middle of all the activities, trying to keep a smile. She couldn't spare even a minute to her sorrow, instead, she has to actively participate in all the so-called rituals. Whenever we hung out, he told me fun stories about his mom, and I’d laugh at every word. His relationship with his dad was somewhat about the traditional wishes on birthdays, anniversaries and festivals, the refill of his pocket money every once in a while, and that was about it. But, when I saw his father, I saw regret. The regret of not valuing time and his son’s creditability. I wish I could run towards both of them and give them a tight hug, which I’m aware won’t bring their son back but may offer them some comfort amidst the loss. 
Oh how much I miss his stupid smile! While wiping the tears away from my face, I saw the swing. As I recall it, this was my first time on a swing other then me being a 5 year old kid. As, reminiscing the day I had, I felt nothing short than clueless. I zoned out straight for an hour, time was running by while I was lost in my own world, my phone rang loud in my ears, breaking me out of my little crying session. Since the day I returned home, from the park, I’ve sort of always been pulled in it's direction. It might sound stupid to a strange ear, but would you believe me if I said, that I could feel his presence sitting on the swing by me, watching over me while everything I did sitting there. The relationship we shared was playful yet meaningful. We made fun of each other, but respected the other one, we laughed together, but also held each other and cried. Ever since that very day, I come here, and sit there every time in the belief that I would feel him again, looking upon me. I find comfort in this space, I come here whenever the real world begins to crawl under my skin, and I need a breather. The one move I take a lot of pride in is that no one knows that I visit here, whenever, except him, but he’s one of those people I don’t mind visiting me, in fact, that’s what I count on. What’s the logic behind having a hiding place when people know about it, right? I like this place, as it has every quality he had, incorporated in a Park; an unknown territory, an open ground, a light breeze and a feeling of exhilaration. Like the protagonist runs away to some unknown location, and they somehow already know that we might find them here, in Hollywood movies; that’s how it is, with me and the Park. I won’t call it an escape, but my very own time capsule. Where time takes a pause, giving me an endless choice of memories to reminisce about, and life choices to weigh about. I’m not glad for the day that had to come, for me to discover this place, but I am glad that at least the Universe tries in it’s own way to somehow allow see those whom we ever cared for. Does it compensate for the pain that was caused in the process of us losing some? No, but it gets you where you can talk to 'em whenever you desperately miss them, when you wish to feel their warmth, which you still find lost somewhere, but may be in another timeline my friend, we unite again with them. 

-Priyal Sharma

Saturday, 15 May 2021

Listening to your silence.

Hey! Dear Someone,

Hope you're fine, hope you smile. I'm writing this to you to let you know that I'm here, to hear you in whatever way. I'm here to laugh at your silly jokes, I'm here to listen to your serious pain, to heal your soul and mind, to support you when you're right, to let you know your miseries and help correcting them. I don't know how many people you have in your life and how many are close to you among them but I'm here with all my ears and heart. I know trusting someone is not easy, however, I ensure you, you won't regret. In this busy world, all those whom you want has no time to look at you, to stay beside you, and willing to ever call your problems as their own. But sometimes you meet someone unknowingly and they may stay with you forever or they just go away and leave their memories behind. In this mighty world, everybody falls for the fake love; still, they manage to survive their own. So, my dear someone, being alone and unhappy, and feeling lonely or hurt is not the solution, start your life again and stand on your own, with self-love. 
People come, some stay some leave, but it isn't your responsibility to give away yourself to keep the relationships which only you want to work out. It isn't your duty to rebuild those which you never broke, instead rebuild yourself. 
Collect yourself and stand and shine and to help you out, you have me.
Someone is there waiting to sit with you in your darkest and scariest silence yet listening to it.
Furthermore, I just want to let you know that I'm here with you, for you, with all I have !!!
Thank You!
Yours Someone :)

-Daisy Sharma

Tuesday, 20 April 2021

Please Don't Touch Me.

I was not in my senses, too sleepy and  tired after a hectic day.
He touched me where he should have never done.
I trusted him as I trusted every men around, I thought he would never let me get hurt but he himself did.
He has left me in biggest discomfort. I become concious when my father cups my shoulder and these are the scars he left behind. Pieces of my faith are now so minute & scattered everywhere that it's hard to get them into place.

Masculine hands all around the wrist that the hands could barely move in defence. Screams silenced by the pain and the body in control of someone else. After this happens, heart feels to cry, to scream, to get out of the pain but remains silent, sobbing for whole life deep inside. Waking up now and then in middle of nights feeling someone is there looking, right inside you, touching without approval. Living in soreness for the rest of the existence or quitting it !
Yes, these are some impacts on someone's life left when they are physically abused.
She told her mother & she shushhhed her saying "Yeh toh har ladki ke saath hota hai".
My question is 'why? why this happens with every girl out there? Is it some kind of culture which needs to be carried and practised and without which our community is not complete ?' 'Don't talk about it to anyone else. It would affect our reputation, dignity in the society'. 'Ladki ghar ki izzat hoti hai (A girl is the pride of a family)', aren't your boys supposed to respect the pride of every family, pride of the country , the whole society, 'afterall they are the future of the family, of the society then why not here?'

A 'prostitute' was a simple girl like you , or maybe your sister, but some sexual greeds got her there where she was never supposed to be. She is forced all day , every night.
Yes, call it a RAPE. Don't hesitate to say that when you felt 'manly' doing so. Someone else suffers because of someone else's eroticism. 

When a case is filed against sexual abuse , the verdict we come to hear is "The next hearing will be held on ..." Why a next hearing when all the evidences are against delinquent, when the victim died fighting for life ? Why the culprit is given a chance to prove himself inculpable ?
Such verdicts that we hear give courage to the wrong doers, even after committing such a shameful crime these same culprits are seen valorous cause they would definitely be given a chance to prove themselves innocent.

At last please don't do this to us.

-Rashi Jain

Thursday, 15 April 2021

झूठे दिलासे और उम्मीदें क्यों?

"पल भर के लिए कोई हमें प्यार कर ले झूठा ही सही,दो दिन के लिए कोई इकरार कर ले.. " किशोर कुमार की आवाज़ में जब देव साहब अपने सदाबहार अंदाज में इन पंक्तियों को गुनगुनाते है तो वास्तव में वो पूरे हिन्दुस्तान के दिल की बात कह जाते है।

दरअसल फिल्मो में प्रेम कथाओ को पूरा होता देखने की हमें इतनी बुरी आदत हो गई है की प्यार तो सभी करते ही है, लेकिन साथ ही ये उम्मीद भी कर बैठते है की उनके "जान", "जाने ए  जाना " उनकी मोहब्बत को जरूर स्वीकारेंगे। साथ ही साथ ये उम्मीद भी लगा लेते हैं की वो जिनसे मोहब्बत करते हैं उतना ही सामने वाला भी उन्हें चाहेगा।

उम्मीद कर बैठते है कि जब हम राज बन कर अपनी बाहें फैलाएंगे तो सिमरन दौड़ी चली आएगी। मानो मरे जा रही हो हमारे लिए। प्यार के दीवाने हम इस कदर है की हम वास्तव में ये चाहते है कि कोई पल भर के लिए ही सही, झूठा सा दिलासा ही दिल को दे जाए।

और जब ऐसा झूठा दिलासा वास्तव में मिल जाता है, तो इंसान के मस्तिष्क में केमिकल लोचा हो जाता है, और फिर ऐसे में मजरूह सुल्तानपुरी का विनोदमई गीत याद आता है, जिसमें वे कहते "मोहब्बत कर लो,जी भर लो अजी किसने रोका है, पर बड़े ग़ज़ब की बात है, इसमें भी धोखा है।"

दरअसल हम सभी के भीतर प्रेम की लालसा है और समस्या ये है कि हम इसे जगह जगह ढूंढा करते हैं। हिरण, कस्तूरी की सुगंध के पीछे जीवन भर भागता रहता है,जबकि वो कस्तूरी उसी के नाभि में समाई होती है, प्रेम भी मानव जीवन में कस्तूरी के ही समान है। जो प्यार हम दूसरो में खोजते हैं वो खुदमें ढूंढने की जरूरत है। बस भागते कदम को रोक कर,कुछ देर ठहरने की जरूरत है।

- पुलकित शर्मा 

Sunday, 11 April 2021

Everyone walks out !

" तुम हो पास मेरे, साथ मेरे हो तुम यूं"
What if you never had a chance to say a 'goodbye' ? That the last time you were with someone when you didn't know if you'll ever meet them again. What if they are immortalized in our memories and we remember them like it's our last name and you get a call from that someone who is no longer here. Someone who died or fell out of love !
When someone you love, flees. And the first thing you would do is 'deny' the reality, the bitter truth. You then close your eyes 'wishing' it to be a cruel wretched dream.

" कहीं से कहीं को भी, आओ बेवजह चले पूछे बिना किसी से, हम मिले"
Maybe the biggest part of letting go is acceptance. They don't teach you in the school what heartbreaks feel like or how to handle yourself when someone most delicate leaves. How to unlove, how to alter and how to delete memories, no they'll never gonna teach you.
You would cry and sacrifice things if it meant for them to stay a day longer.
When you're going through this hardship, you wouldn't care if you die, you would just want the other person to stay. It's the saddest story of the world. Grief and love makes you do the scariest things.
Some here are trying so hard to forget and many are trying so hard to remember.

" खुद को मैं हार गया तुमको, तुमको मैं जीता हूं"
You would then pray and hear 'Azaan, Bhajans, Hymns and Gurbani' and after being an atheist you worship God because this little hope inside you tells, he can reverse things and bring them back, maybe. That maybe hold those broken pieces of yours altogether in hopes.
I just wish they exist in the place that constantly remind us that goodbyes are hard to accept and loss is the language you'll learn every day because everyone will leave one day. But, always remember, "The ones who love us never really leave, they always live within ourselves."

-Abhimanyu Nirban.

Wednesday, 7 April 2021

Dominant drugs: Humans and Separation

 At times goodbyes are not necessarily needed. Yet at times we wish for that one last conversation, one last proper closure. To know what could have been done or why this ended the way it was never meant to.

 Memories have a strong impact on us. Memories are something we live for or live with. People become your habit, a part of your routine, and have that fixed time slot in your daily life. They become a part of you. And when you're in love it makes sense. They cross your mind now and then. You come across their favorite song or a phrase they use or the food they love, everything makes you feel connected to your love.
 And as they leave somewhere it creates a void inside your heart. The soul which had this habit of constantly relating to things and making the other the topmost priority. And suddenly, out of the blues this separation strikes making you go all numb. The body suffers through serious withdrawal symptoms, as such in the case of drugs or alcohol. Humans too are the strongest drugs. They leave us miserable. They are miserable. 
And I think when it comes to love 
You can never really unlove someone. 
Even the hate is on level 10 on the scale but somewhere there is this, a tiny part inside you that still belongs to the one that left, with the one you once loved. It carries all the memories, laughter, tears, moments, and everything deep within. Then when you see them after ages or days or months that cover over the parts slightly tears up and everything starts accumulating within and then you are back on the track.

I feel that there is a strong difference between loving someone and loving the idea of being with someone. And we often confuse it with love. So did I. And I was the one who loved. And still do. Just a matter of acceptance.

-S. Aishwarya

Friday, 2 April 2021

Way to forever till our last breaths.

My idea of love is quite extraordinary and a bit complicated. I have spent my entire life thinking that some days I will have someone who will love me the way I love. I need that "someone" who will love every inch, every corner of me without getting bored. 

If on days I feel like not stepping out, or if I am having serious mood swings, you shall stay with me, pampering me, cuddling with me, and will hug me the tightest so that whatever I have been holding on I'll cry it out. 

My idea of love is simple. There is no place for materialistic things. I just need love. Only love. I crave love. But I need reassurance now and then so you better tell me that you love me, twice a day.

 I need you to hold my hands while we are walking on beaches, on roads, at the mall, everywhere possible. I repeat everywhere possible.
  I know it sounds a bit clingy but all I need is this clinginess and you. So why waste a single moment.
 I need your shoulders to lean on when we are on our way, be it on cabs, trains, buses, planes. I'll stick to your hands like an adhesive. You better bear that. I want to eat ice cream with you at 2 AM while teasing each other with our exes.

 I want you to dance with me while we are cooking and cleaning or doing anything. On some days I want you to kiss me till the roti gets charred and the cooker whistles.

I also want you to kiss me in the middle of the argument, I'll forgive you soon.

  I'll call out names to you only when we are together and it will be anything baby, Shona, Bacchu, betu, mamma everything that I love better; do not judge me okay. 
Hug me whenever possible. Hold on to me forever. 

If I fall all I will be needing you there to hold me, pick me up, and tell me that you love me and make me believe in my own potential.

If I am sick you better be there and care for me like your own child. 

And in return, I'll promise to only love you and love you more with each passing day till my last breath and till death do us apart.

-S. Aishwarya

Sunday, 28 March 2021

Are we really celebrating the true essence of the colorful festival ?

Take a look at the festival from a different perspective; embrace and adapt the real hues of it.


The weather has become warmer, the sun sets a bit late, the birds can be heard chirping and you can't go out wearing yellow without attracting those tiny buzzing singers – it's that time of the year again when the "festival of colors" is nearing; spring is knocking at our doors.


Every year during holi we're reminded why we celebrate colors and why we should save water; amid all these reminders and selective wokeness we're still not able to understand the true meaning behind celebrating hues.


Every Holi we wish to clear the darks and color them gulaal but are we really able to do so which somewhere weaves inside our beings? Can gulaal really help with being the facade while we continue to wash it away with water just hours later?


As the festival of colors mark the beginning of the beautiful flower blooming season, let this also mark the beginning of something new in you, in your life. Talk to an old friend, clear the bad blood, text your dad, start a new book, forgive a wrong doer or take a step towards your own well-being. Endings are always beautiful when seen as a beginning to something new.


This Holi, drench yourself in colors of love, compassion and unity and celebrate the festival in its true sense – after all it's a celebration of triumph of good over evil, of gulaal over pastes. Don't let the waters of ego wash away the colors of forgiveness. Celebrate holi in it's true hues, embrace the essence of it in form of values and take a step towards picking the gulaal over the shiny silvery pastes.


Drink a glass of 'bhaang' and let your mind lose itself to the feeling of being free. Savor the taste of happiness in the form of a drink and embrace the various colors of the festival, of your life.

-Sanjana Pincha 

Sunday, 21 February 2021

सुनो ना।

सुनो ना, 
उसके जाने का ग़म तो आज भी है पर इस बात का ज़िक्र मैं किसी से नहीं करता, 
क्या फ़ायदा जब उसे ही फर्क नहीं पड़ता ।

सुनो ना,
उसकी याद तो मुझे आज भी आती है और हर पल हर लम्हा मेरे दिल को सताती है,
पर क्या फ़ायदा इन यादों का भी जो सिर्फ मुझे ही उसकी आती हैं ।

सुनो ना, 
रातों को नींद तो आज भी आती है पर बिना पूछे वो भी मेरे ख्वाबों में चली आती है,
पर क्या फ़ायदा इन ख्वाबों का जिसमें वो मुझे मिल ही नहीं पाती ।

सुनो ना
उसको देखने का मन तो आज भी बहुत करता है, जी करता है वहीं पहले की तरह उसके सामने बैठ कर उसे निहारूं,
पर क्या फ़ायदा जब वो तो मेरा साया भी अपने आस पास नहीं चाहती है। 

सुनो ना,
मुलाकातें मैं आज भी बहुत लोगों से करता हूं कभी अकेले तो कभी उनके साथ चलता हूं,
पर क्या फ़ायदा साथ चलने का, उनसे भी तो तेरी ही बातें करता हूं ।

सुनो ना,
मैं दुनिया से आज भी तेरे लिए लड़ जाता हूं , कहीं ना कहीं तेरी परछाई को देखकर ही खुश हो जाता हूं,
पर क्या फ़ायदा इन खुशियों का भी जो मैं तेरे साथ नहीं बाट पाता हूं ।

सुनो ना,
इस दिल में तेरे लिए जगह आज भी खाली है, तू ही मेरे लिए सब कुछ थी ये बात मैंने मानी है,
पर क्या फ़ायदा जब तू इस बात से अनजान नहीं फिर भी मुझसे दूर है।

सुनो ना,
आज भी सुबह उठते ही उसका नाम दिमाग में आता है, रात को सोने से पहले उस से बात करने को दिल चाहता है,
पर क्या फ़ायदा जब इन अरमानों को दिल में रखने का जब मैं जानता हूं वो जा चुकी है।
दिलों दिमाग से उसे और उसकी यादों को निकालने की ठानी है, उसे भुला देने की कसम भी तो खाई है,
लेकिन क्या फ़ायदा, आज फिर अकेले में और सबके साथ बैठ कर भी वही ज़हन में आई है ।

अब कहां उसे मेरी याद आती होगी,
मेरी तरह एक दूसरे के साथ होने की कमी सताती होगी,
अब कहां वो मुझसे मिलना चाहती होगी ।
अब तो जितना दिया खुदा ने उतना ही मुकम्मल लगता है,
उसके साथ बिताया दिन मुझे जिंदगी लगता है। 
शायद अब यादें ही उसके साथ रहने का एक ज़रिया है,
उसे दूर रह कर भी ना देख सकूं, इतना दूर उसने कर दिया है।
सुनो ना,
उस से पूछना ना, क्या कभी मेरा खयाल उसके मन में भी आया, क्या मेरी ही तरह उसने कभी मुझे चहाया ?

- देवेश तिवारी

Sunday, 14 February 2021

बस एक फौजी हूं ।

मैं एक फौजी हूं।
एक फौजी जिसके लिए मां का दिल तोड़कर मां की रक्षा करना ज़रूरी है,
एक फौजी जिसके लिए बाप का सहारा बनने से ज़्यादा अपना देश बचाना ज़रूरी है,
वो फौजी जिसने अपने छोटे भाई को वापस लौटने के भ्रम में रखा है और अपनी बहन की शादी में नाचने का झूठा वादा किया है।
मैं वो फौजी हूं जिसके लिए ये देश जान से प्यारा है
मगर कभी सोचता हूं,
इस देश के अंदर ही एक जंग है छिड़ी ।
हर वासी की अपनी अलग एक जात है, अपना अलग एक धर्म है।
इस देश को बचाने का क्या फायदा जब ये देश एक होना ही नहीं चाहता ।
मगर, मैं तो बस एक फौजी हूं 
ना हिन्दू ना ईसाई ना मुसलमान ना सिख,
हूं तो बस भारतीय और ये मातृभूमि ही मेरा धर्म है।

-निशांत भारतीय

Tuesday, 9 February 2021

तुम्हें भूलना, खुदको खोना ।

तुम्हें भूलने के लिए, कुछ करना पड़ेगा

लगता है शहर छोड़, गाँव जाना पड़ेगा


रास्ते जो तेरे शहर को जाते हैं,

उन रास्तों को भूलना पड़ेगा


अलमारी में जो तस्वीरें हैं हमारी 

उन्हें भी जलाना पड़ेगा


तकिये तले जो ख़त तुम्हारे पड़े हैं,

उन खतों को भी मिटाना पड़ेगा


किताब के 106 पन्ने पर जो गुलाब पड़ा है,

उसकी खुशबू तक को उड़ाना पड़ेगा ।


जो सिर्फ तुम्हारे ही बारे में लिखती हैं

उस स्याही को भी मिटाना पड़ेगा


तुम्हें भूल जाने के लिए लगता है,

खुद को कहीं दफनाना पड़ेगा।




देवेश तिवारी

Thursday, 4 February 2021

Smile that will make you cry !

Their laughter will make your heart melt, their strength will make a tough person cry, if you once see a person fighting Cancer, it will change your life forever.

For many Cancer patients and their families the experience of this disease is a painful one. It bring up a wide range of feelings they are not easy to deal with. The feelings of pain and sorrow become more intense with time. While our larger cultural conversation around Cancer focuses on survivors and miracles, we don’t hear the stories of dying Cancer patients. Cancer impact lives physically, emotionally and socially.

Talking about depression, is a common reaction associated with Cancer. We don’t even know what a patient go through while fighting for life against it. For people it is easy to write their thoughts and feeling down on paper but their loss and grief cannot be explained. Cancer being an emotional disease more than just physical pain, we should support the sufferers in every way possible. It will be helpful for them in coping with loss and grief as it is in celebrating the gains and successes.
To show our togetherness we celebrate Cancer day today in support with all those who are in their crucial time of life. We can work together to improve cancer control and achieve global targets to reduce premature mortality from Cancer. Donating our hairs for free to them is a big step itself. Showing our care, helping them or just simply making them smile can add to some minutes, hours or days to their life. 

- Amisha Yadav

Sunday, 31 January 2021

जलता है आम आदमी !

आम आदमी है जी, संघर्ष जारी रखता है
सपनों की इस खुली हवा में रोज़ उड़ाने भरता है,
ना रुकता है ना थकता है बस आगे आगे बढ़ता है
आम आदमी है जी, संघर्ष जारी रखता है !

पैसों की जो तंगी हो तो लोन पर ये चलता है,
छुपाकर अपनी गरीबी अमीर यह बनता है,
कोई ना सोचे इसके बारे ये भी वैसी जनता है,
भूख प्यास लेकर भी चुपचाप ये पलता है
आम आदमी है जी, संघर्ष जारी रखता है !

छोटे हो या बड़े, सारे काम ये करता है,
एक दिन मालिक बनने की उम्मीद में बाजारों में थकता है,
मजबूरी में मजदूरी के काम में भी लगता है,
ऊंचा है जो स्वाभिमान कहीं नहीं वो झुकता है
आम आदमी है जी, संघर्ष जारी रखता है !

नींव देखो घर की इसकी लोन पर है खड़ी हुई,
टीवी, फ्रिज और बाइक की किश्ते सारी भरी हुई,
सपनो की एक छोटी डिबिया कोने में है रखी हुई,
फिर भी एक छोटी सी कुटिया महल जैसे सजी हुई !

पसीने से ही उगता इसका सूरज पसीने से ही ढलता है ,
खरा सोना बनने को रोज़ सूरज जैसा जलता है
आम आदमी है जी, संघर्ष जारी रखता है !

- यश शक्तावत
Photo: IG| k_a_f_k_a

Tuesday, 26 January 2021

जय हिन्द, जय संविधान।

WE, THE PEOPLE OF INDIA, having solemnly resolved to constitute India into a SOVEREIGN SOCIALIST SECULAR DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC and to secure to all its citizens.

संविधान,मसौदा, कॉन्स्टिट्यूशन, आइन, उपरोक्त पंक्तियां हमारे इसी मसौदे, इसी आइन, इसी संविधान की है। उपरोक्त पंक्तियां सिर्फ प्रस्तावना मात्र नहीं बल्कि ये तो देश के पवित्र ग्रंथ के उद्देश्य का सार बताती है। 

बहरहाल, हमारे संविधान दुनिया का सबसे बड़ा हस्तलिखित संविधान है जिसे दुनिया के सभी संविधानों में से कुछ-कुछ देखकर और आवश्यकता अनुसार भारतीय संविधान में लागू किया है। भारतीय संविधान का जनक बी. आर. अम्बेडकर को कहा जाता है।

अंग्रेज़ो की गुलामी में रहने और अधिकारों से वंचित रहने के बाद, जब देश आजाद हुआ, तब संविधान बना। संविधान सभा का उद्देश्य देश के नागरिकों को आबाद रखने का था। यानी, मूलभूत अधिकार, जो कि देश के किसी भी नागरिक को उसके जन्म के साथ ही प्राप्त होते है।
और इसी के साथ हमें, समानता, स्वतंत्रता,धार्मिक स्वतंत्रता, संवैधानिक अधिकार, संस्कृति और शिक्षा संबंधी अधिकार और किसी भी तरह के शोषण के विरुद्ध अधिकार दिए गए। 
हालांकि, अधिकार का महत्व भी तभी रह पाता है जब नागरिकों को अपने कर्तव्यों का भान हो और इसलिए मूलभूत कर्तव्यों को भी चिन्हित किया गया,जैसी की संविधान का पालन करना, देश की प्रभुता, एकता और अखंडता की रक्षा करना, राष्ट्रीय ध्वज का आदर करना आदि जिनका पालन करना हर नागरिक का दाइत्व हो।

भारतीय संविधान के बारे में जब हम और आगे पढ़ते है, तो पाते है कि हम ऐसे पहले जिन्होंने संविधान छुआ छूत यानी कि अस्पृश्यता को हर तरह के धर्म में अवैध माने जाने की बात कही,और इसी के साथ इसमें इस बात का भी ख्याल रखा गया कि देश के अल्पसंख्यक,जैसे कि आदिवासी,खुद को अकेला ना समझे। यूनिवर्सल एडल्ट फ्रेंचाइज यानी की वोट देने के अधिकार पर भी बात की गई और 21 वर्ष तब वोट देने की न्यूनतम उम्र मानी गई। 
मगर कई चीजे ऐसी भी हैं जो हमारे संविधान का हिस्सा बाद में बनी, जैसे कि 1976 में भारत का संविधान में खुद को धर्मनिरपेक्ष राष्ट्र बताना, हालांकि इससे पूर्व भी ये सभी धर्मो का सम्मान समान रूप से ही करता था, बाल विवाह को 2006 अवैध करार देना, और शादी के लिए लड़का लड़की की न्यूनतम आय 21 और 18 करना।
भारतीय संविधान सुधारो के प्रति कितना प्रगतिशील है, इसका अंदाजा इस बात से लगा सकते है, कि जब आज़ाद भारत में शांताराम कि फिल्म दहेज़ का प्रदर्शन हुआ,उसके बाद से 1962 में दहेज प्रथा को भी कानूनी तौर पर अपराध माना गया, और इसी तरह जब दो आंखें 12 हाथ का प्रदर्शन हुआ,तब ओपन सेल जैसे जेल की संकल्पना को भी साकार किया।
संविधान इस 26 जनवरी को 71 बरस का हो रहा है,वैसे तो इतनी उम्र शरीर को थका देती है,लेकिन भारतीय संविधान,नए नए सुधारो के साथ खुदको और युवा और खूबसूरत बना रहा है।
सुधार किए जा रहे हैं लेकिन जिस तेज़ी से देश प्रगति कर रहा है, संविधान में और भी बदलावों की जरूरत है जैसी की समलैंगिक और ट्रांसजेंडर को समानता के साथ देखा जाए। वे भी हम में से हैं, कुछ समलैंगिक अपनी इच्छा अनुसार हैं जिसकी आज़ादी हमारा संविधान भी देता है और कुछ, ट्रांसजेंडर मजबूरी के कारण जिन्हें वही दर्जा दिया जाना चाहिए जो कि एक आदमी और औरत को दिया जाता है। संविधान में बदलावों से ज़ादा मुश्किल है इन बदलावों को अपनाना। हमारे देश के आधे से ज़ादा प्रतिशत लोग ऐसी चीजों के लिए उन्ही को जिम्मेदार मानते हैं जिसमें उनका कोई बस भी नहीं होता। यह बात सब ही को समझने की आवश्यकता है। ये सोचना इतना भी मुश्किल नहीं की जब तक कोई हमें हानि नहीं पहुंचा रहा तब तक हम उनके विचारों की बखूबी इज्ज़त करनी चाहिए। 

इसी आशा के साथ की आने वाले समय में ये संविधान और खूबसूरत होगा,आइए गणतंत्र दिवस दोगुने जोश के साथ मनाते है।
जय हिन्द, जय संविधान।

-पुलकित शर्मा

Sunday, 24 January 2021

मुबारक हो बेटी हुई है !!!

घर को हर रोज़ करती है रोशन जो
सुबह की पहली किरण सी है वो

आंगन की चिड़िया के जैसी है
खुशियां चहकाती है वो

पिता का सम्मान है वो
मां का अभिमान है वो

मगर ना जाने क्या कसूर था उसका 
जो पैदा होने से पहले मारी जाती है वो

कभी कचरे में फेका, 
तो कभी अनाथयाले में छोड़ा
जिसकी किलकारी से गूंजता यह घर सारा 
उसे तुमने बेमौत कोख में मारा

क्या बोझ बनती, जो पराया धन थी तेरा
देवी के रूप में जन्मी थी वो जो कर्ज़ चूकाती तेरा

भाग्य से नहीं सौभाग्य से होती है वो
तेरी पीढ़ी को ना सही मगर पूरे कुल को आगे बढ़ती वो।

-Richa Nigam

Saturday, 23 January 2021

Person dies, not his ideas : Netaji.

It is blood alone that can pay the price of freedom: Netaji, an inspiration for all and nationalist personalities.
Subhash Chandra Bose was a patriotic person who always stood down to earth with a kind personality. India got the beautiful gem on January 23, 1897 to Janakinath Bose. He is an inspiration to many army officials and the young generation. He is known as an Indian Nationalist and was a huge global icon who used to talk to global leaders from Japan, Germany, Russia and discussed strategies to make India an independent nation.
He followed the learnings and leadership of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru from his young age. It lead him to be passionate and a nationalist. The Indian National Congress was the main instrument of nationalism in India back in those days. Everybody in the party praised his nationalism because he devoted his whole life fighting for India's independence.
We lost this gem on August 18, 1945. His death was a mystery not yet revealed to the people. In the investigations done by the different officials, many theories came into fame. In 1955 – Shah Nawaz Mission and 1970- Khosla Commission, both the investigations concluded that Netaji died in a plane crash in Taiwaan, Russia.
The on ground reporting of the case and resulted different theories that he was alive for a long time period and he didn’t die in the plane crash. But soon, one day the news came in frame that he died in 1945, and now his ashes are kept in Renko-ji-temple of Tokyo, Japan.
People initially believed that there is a conspiracy behind his death, that is the reason government officials reported the case again and again, and discussed it more deeply.
His birth anniversary is observed in the name of his legendary support for independent India and World War II. Remembering him on his 125th birth anniversary, we share our wishes and our experience of all what we heard and read and learnt about his mysterious death. We wish his soul rests in peace and that today’s generation follow Netaji’s lessons and learnings and follow the path of truth.

- Bhavika Nandawana and Muskan Kumawat

Wednesday, 20 January 2021

माना, लेकिन !!

माना रास्ते थोड़े मुश्किलों से भरे हैं, 
लेकिन कोशिश न करना सही नहीं !!
माना हर कदम फासलों से भरे हैं,
लेकिन मंज़िल के लिए सफर ही तय ना करना सही नहीं !!
माना वक़्त के साथ सब पीछे छूट जाएंगे
लेकिन खुद ही अपना साथ छोड़ना सही नहीं !!
माना अब हर वक़्त लोग बदलने लगे हैं,
लेकिन औरों की तरह बदल जाना भी तो सही नहीं !!
माना उदास होने की वजह बहुत सी हैं,
लेकिन मुस्कुराना ही छोड़ देना सही नहीं !!
माना बस में नहीं है सबकी परवाह करना,
लेकिन अपनों की परवाह ना करना भी सही नहीं !!
माना बहुत लोगों ने दिल दुखाया है,
लेकिन अब किसी पर भरोसा ही ना करना सही नहीं !!
माना प्यार के लिए कुछ भी करने को हैं तैयार हम,
लेकिन मां बाप का प्यार भूल जाना सही नहीं !!
माना रास्ते थोड़े मुश्किलों से भरे हैं
लेकिन कोशिश न करना सही नहीं !!

- Daisy Sharma

Photo: IG | k_a_f_k_a

Sunday, 17 January 2021

Being a Feminist, Belonging to Humanity.

Feminism gets a bad reputation. People who don’t quite understand, what it is associate feminism with something aggressive and exclusive: women-only and we-hate-men kind of vibes. While it’s really not that. 

The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines feminism as: “the theory of the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes”. It’s about equality and it’s about women doing whatever they want to do – without the society or any individual pressuring them into it.

Feminism at its core is about equality of men and women. So many people offer up the argument that women are not the “same” as men so there can’t be equality. In other words, because their bodies are different (many say “weaker” and smaller), and because men and women have different physical capabilities, these physical differences mean equality is not possible. The issue here is about equal rights and equal access to opportunities.  Men and women don’t have to be the “same” in physicality to have the right to equality. 

It’s about respecting diverse women’s experiences, identities, knowledge and strengths, and striving to empower all women to realise their full rights. It’s about levelling the playing field between genders, and ensuring that diverse women and girls have the same opportunities in life available to boys and men.

Being a feminist simply means believing in equal rights for all genders. It’s not about hating men. It’s not about women being better than men. It’s not about eschewing femininity.

-Suyash Khanna

Friday, 15 January 2021

Indian Army Day

Thi Khoon Se Latpat Kaya, Girte Hosh Gawaate bhi Bandook Utha Kr, Das Das Ko Ek Ne Mara”

‘Indian army’ is not just a title but an emotion. Who doesn’t want to serve their respective country, in terms everyone does but the courageous one are present to protect the country. The condition that they survive are unreal to find. January 15th, the day when our soldiers are given that statement of particularity. Since 1949 our country celebrates January 15th as Indian Army Day. Soldiers are the one who serves the country in every situation and every manner possible. Though few times the situations are even worse, from blood freezing in their veins at -50 degrees Celsius to not bothering in deserts where barely life exists. They are selflessly present there to give us the peaceful sleep which they never get the privilege of. They leave their family to protect their first family, their mother, their nation. A war that takes one's child, one's father, and one's husband but that son, that father, and the husband stands with pride and smile serving the country as a martyr.  

“Kat Gaye Sar Humare Par Kuch Gam Nahi, Sar Himalaya Ka Humne Na Jhukne Diya” 

The one who lives fearlessly is the Indian army. The one whose priority is the nation is our very own Indian army.

Till date many ups and downs came in part but the certainty that the army follows is the pride that our country carries. Facing terrorism from a country like Pakistan and the uncertainty by the Army of China, our soldiers have always been ready. They have proved it every time that they exist, and the country matters. Today Indian army is the 2nd largest, and the 4th most powerful military in the world as the unity of the soldiers . Our soldiers hold never-giving spirit for our country. History shows and speaks a lot of itself that what our Army is for us and our country.

Keeping this pride in your mind, let's salute our soldiers, the one who served, is serving, and the one who will make the history in the future. So that the coming generation must take pride by saying, Yes, I am from India and the army that stand.

-Kanhaiya Kumar.

Wednesday, 13 January 2021

Don’t degrade yourself to impress others

Since the day we are born, our whole life is focused onto impressing others. From our childhood we are taught to fit in the ‘SOCIETY’ we live in.  Sometimes, we are not free to follow our passion and cannot do what our heart wants just to fit in Societal norms. We are very much bound in the fetters of society.  If we do something different from perceptions of the community then we will be isolated from it until and unless we prove ourselves.

World only salutes the rising sun. Some  of the people think that only women suffer from the boundaries set by the society. Well, that is not true! Women suffer, so do men. From initial years of their life, boys are told have control over their emotions, not to cry in front of others and always be available. I’m not talking about feminism and patriarchy here, that’s not even the topic, all I mean is not to give special privilege to a specific gender.  Well, coming back to the topic, give your time to those who really need you, but always beware to not get used by someone. Having faith in yourself will give you courage to do what your heart says. In the beginning, everyone will surely criticize you but once you achieve something, the same criticizers will appreciate you. They will soon start following you and this is the reality that has been happening since ages. All we have to do is focus on our goals and put efforts to make our wishes come true. Last but not the least is not to waste your valuable time to impress anyone except yourself.

Life is yours and so, you are your own leader.

-Divyaditya Singh






Sunday, 10 January 2021

Wisdom is to make the right choices.

One should be clever enough on how to choose while making choices. Computer based technology has been created to help humans and make their work easier with efficiency. It is to help the generations to come up with innovations. This platform help us to learn, teach, and explore.

The manifesto was initiated to connect families, friends living near-and-far and to stay updated about each other. In the beginning it was the best way to get connected and stay in touch with their loved ones. Sharing of thoughts, life events, photos ideas and information was made easier. It has helped in building virtual networks or communities to a great extent. Chatting and sharing opinions on any topic got easy.

But soon the users got addicted and it lead to unlimited chats and dependency. Personal information started leaking as current location and status. We earlier used to call our loved ones but nowadays it has become just a short message wish over social media. We have become very much dependent upon notifications on social media to remember the birthdays of our loved ones. Instead of playing cricket in the evening, it has changed into playing electronic games. It is easily noticed that the new generation is at a point where they do not respect other’s time and carelessly wasting theirs own time too. It somehow impose the new generation to believe what they see on networking sites. They are very much fascinated by the unwanted stuff posted on social media. Computers and social media are platforms where everything is posted but one should be definite to what he chooses to learn from them. 

Be sure to choose the right stuff by which helps you to get motivated and inspired in times when nobody else do. Don't loose your real identity in race of the fake world.

-Bhavika Nandwana

Wednesday, 6 January 2021

Who am I, What do I do ?

A witch sewing darkness in light of the moon,
I know spells in ancient languages,
I brew potions, walk through abandoned passages,
I bathe in starlight, wearing the glow of Moon,
For I sleep without dreams when it's noon,
I'm Eve in the Satan's garden,
I wait with the nightingales, for my pardon,
I sing with them,
For the Roses that lay dead.
I cry softly besides the Wolf and the rabbits laying on my lap,
I thirst for blood as it craves bare flesh,
It's neck on my shoulder, on it's back rests my face,
I try not to hurt them as it tries to do the same.
We have dark desires, buried deep inside our graves,
In the moonlight together, we make the darkness fade,
Neither Pink nor Purple nor Red,
Our love is of the most beautiful shade.
No promise of kindness we make, still no birds fly,
Beauty of the darkness, in a starry night sky,
Sinners we are, but not in pretentious dress,
We wear no veil of kindness,
Laying naked in our darkness,
All our sins scattered into the wind,
For the whole world knows, whole world has committed sins,
Our beloved's sins we un-see,
In love trying be a sinner and try not to be.

-Akshita Singh